Get Involved

Please be a part of our mission! Pray for us, and if you can, support us financially.

This is a truly historic moment for the coast side area

Our Lady of the Pillar Academy, with your help, has opened its doors in Half Moon Bay! In the Fall of 2023, we launched a classical curriculum, authentically Catholic grade school focused on faith, reason, and virtue. During this year, every student advanced on average 1.9 full academic years in one year!

At the beginning of Year 2, our student enrollment has nearly doubled. We have submitted our plans to the City of Half Moon Bay, to build a beautiful full scale campus in mission-style architecture. This will enhance the beauty of our downtown, and provide a worthy school-home for up to 200 PreK-8 students in keeping with our devotion to God, parish and community.

OLPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Gifts are 100% tax-deductible as permitted by law. No goods or services are exchanged for contributions. TAX ID #: 93-1796537

There are three ways to support us:

  • One third of our students come from the socio-economically disadvantaged class of families in our community. We educate these students to very high achievement, but do this at a fraction of the cost of full tuition. Please help us bridge this gap.

  • Please donate to our building fund, so that we can give our historical parish and our children and future generations a beautiful school campus worthy of this beautiful creation of God—the Coastside.

  • Please reach out to us if you would like to donate funds or give of your talent in any particular way you feel called. We are, for example, immensely grateful those who have taught our children dance and theater, to those who have offered musical instruments and chess sets, and to those who cook hot lunch and help us maintain our field.

    Please note that all volunteers who work with children must be certified, background checked and in keeping with our Safe Environment and Code of Conduct policies.